Live • Love • Play • Enjoy
PanoGrama Entertainment (PE) is a business that produces wholesome, family-oriented and world-class entertainment, while showcasing the talent of up and coming steelpan musicians from around the world. The flagship event is PanoGrama, a highly anticipated and history-making international steelpan competition, which is joined by a concert series called PanMotion, completing the main offerings.
In addition to entertainment, PE holds a keen interest in development. We provide opportunities for steelpan musicians to gain knowledge and tools for success, through hosting workshops and seminars. Internships are also offered to provide youths with the opportunity to learn and grow, while undertaking various roles at PE. PE is proud to continuously host interns from the University of the West Indies Caribbean School of Media and Communication. Students from this, and other institutions, receive a "hands-on" working experience at PE and have the opportunity to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills obtained through studies.
PE prides itself on quality and professionalism, and aims to become one of the most distinguished steelpan entertainment companies in the world.

Our Story
During the height of the 2020 COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns, Barbados-based Trinbagonian pannist Nevin Roach had a stroke of genius, after encountering live entertainment on social media. As a result, a virtual solo steelpan competition, PanoGrama, was born and hosted live on Instagram @inev88 during April 24 - May 3.
The concept for the historic event was simple; a panorama vibe on Instagram, hence the name "PanoGrama".
Contributing to the artform; helping pannists ply their trade; fresh entertainment for a starved steelpan community; pannists to earn revenue; youth and cultural development; and a platform from which to showcase pannists’ talent, globally, were focal points.
The event attracted regional press, regional and international pan governing bodies, some celebrity pannists, and some affluent pan companies in its first year. It also paved the way for PanMotion, a concert series and together, these two events were the foundation for a new steelpan entertainment company; PanoGrama Entertainment.
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